
Myth Busters: Why Everyone Needs an Estate Plan

As an estate planning attorney, I am always surprised by the number of friends and family who have not yet completed their estate planning.  For me, it seems like such an important and natural part of adulthood.  One evening as I watched…

Do You Need a Digital Property Estate Plan?

While there have been some rumblings about handling digital assets in the probate process in West Virginia, there has been no legislation enacted to give specific guidance. Do you need a digital property estate plan? And what is digital property…

Estate Planning Intake Form: What to Expect

Estate planning is one of the most valuable steps you can take to ensure your health care wishes are respected and your family is provided for in your absence. However, the thought of meeting with an estate planning attorney can be overwhelming. An…

Overview of Benefits for Seniors: Including Employment Benefits in Your Estate Planning Strategy

Many people correctly think of benefits for seniors as including retirement accounts and Social Security benefits, but few carefully consider how to incorporate all available elder benefits into their retirement plans. This blog is the first in a…

Why You Should Discuss Social Security Disability Benefits with Your Estate Planning Attorney

Most people think of an estate plan as just preparing a will and designating where your assets go upon your death. Broader than that, estate planning is actually the process of taking inventory of your assets and determining how to dispose of them…

Including Medicare and Medicaid in Your Estate Plan: An Overview

Have you considered including Medicare and Medicaid in your estate plan? Many people forget the importance of considering these government healthcare benefits as part of their wider estate plan. Read on to learn more about these two programs and why…

Incorporating Community Benefits into Your Elder Care and Estate Plan

As we age, our overall needs change. Our need for healthcare services may increase, our ability to tend to our own needs may decrease, and our finances may be limited. Government healthcare and retirement programs don’t cover the day-to-day…

Estate Planning Asset Protection Strategies in WV

You have worked hard most of your life to build your legacy. Your legacy includes your property and finances that you will have the honor to pass on to your future generations. It is a legacy which will help provide a better life for your children,…

How to Fit an IRA in Your WV Estate Plan

The average life expectancy of West Virginians is 75.4 years of age. If you started working at the age of 16 and you retire at age 66, you will have worked for over two-thirds of your entire life and over 87 percent of your adult life. That is a lot…

The Opioid Trust: Estate Planning for Addicted Family Members

Given the millions of Americans addicted to opiates and other drugs, many parents and grandparents struggle with the question of estate planning for addicted family members. But in a realm where families have very little control over a loved…