Class Action

Tristate Class Action Defense Attorneys

Tristate Class Action Defense Attorneys Are Instrumental to Success

Employers want to establish positive work environments that encourage productivity, but with the myriad of state and federal laws impacting the workplace, there are bound to be missteps. Most employers will not be able to avoid being named as a defendant in lawsuits by employees. When such allegations are made on behalf of a representative class, an employer’s liability multiplies exponentially. Tristate class action defense attorneys can ease your mind by skillfully addressing both the detailed procedural steps and substantive issues raised by these multifaceted cases.

Tristate Class Action Defense Attorneys Should be Part of the Team from the Start

While every lawsuit has its share of procedural tactics, class action defense requires the specialized trial strategies regularly employed by tristate class action defense attorneys. Before getting to the merits of the case, there are a number of significant issues to resolve. In some instances, a decision in favor of the employer could terminate the class representation early, leaving each employee to decide if he or she will pursue his or her case individually. Such a decision could end the class action at any of the following pivotal stages:

As with all lawsuits, settlement is also an option. The early involvement of a seasoned, business litigation defense team is critical because timing is often key to a successful resolution.

The Particulars of Class Action Discovery

Class action discovery is unique. It is a much more time consuming and far-reaching endeavor than in the standard labor and employment matter. Class action discovery has two focuses—the viability of the class and the merits of the allegations.

Class action defense firms have veteran attorneys and support personnel to efficiently manage your discovery process. They utilize litigation tools such as innovative data management technology to minimize discovery costs while maximizing the information and data identified and processed. Experienced class action attorneys also have connections to the appropriate expert witnesses when needed.

The High Stakes of Class Action Defense in WV, KY, and OH

Class action plaintiffs often allege the same substantive issues raised by individual claimants. The noteworthy difference is the potential risk for the employer. Any damages awarded will be multiplied by the number of class members.

Class actions have other financial risks for the employer as well. Responding to these lawsuits depletes finances, distracts staff, and negatively impacts morale. Additionally, your company’s reputation may be tarnished.

Tristate class action attorneys have the legal depth and acumen to defend against the broad array of legal theories that can be the basis of class action claims:

At Jenkins Fenstermaker, PLLC, our business litigation defense attorneys are prepared to represent you before federal, state, and administrative forums. For more information, you can reach one of our tristate class action defense attorneys by completing this online form or calling (304) 523-2100 (or (866) 617-4736 toll-free).