
Who Needs Medical Power of Attorney in WV

Most people don’t want to think about what will happen to them if they are in an accident or become very ill and incapacitated. Unfortunately, not preparing for such unthinkable situations can lead to untimely medical care and more stress than…

WV Living Will: Your Life, Your Decisions

Lawyers all over the country, as well as physicians, omnibus men and others in the legal and medical professions, spend a great deal of time trying to convince us all to have a “living will.” Some of us understand what a living will is,…

An Overview of West Virginia Power of Attorney Laws

Need help with West Virginia power of attorney laws? You’ve come to the right place. This blog is the first in a series of three dealing with powers of attorney in the Mountain State. In it, we’ll give an overview of the most common…

Is an Online Power of Attorney Form in WV Right for Me?

Many people know they need to have a power of attorney. Not wanting to pay a lawyer for drafting, they turn to the Internet to find a form document that will be legal where they live. Is this a safe strategy? This is a tricky question, and the answer…

KY Durable Power of Attorney and Living Will: Is Your Family Prepared?

Advance medical directives-documents that inform medical providers of your wishes for treatment should you become incapacitated-are an important part of long-term care and estate planning. Residents of Kentucky (KY) should be aware of the…

Ohio Power of Attorney: The Basics

Chances are you've heard the term "power of attorney" at some point, probably in reference to health care decisions. Although that is one type of power of attorney, it isn't the only one. This article will touch on the different types of…