By Jenkins Fenstermaker, PLLC on 12/30/2019
Will a Specific WV Power of Attorney Form Work for You?

When you need someone to handle a financial or legal matter for you, you don't have to give that person full authority or access to your information. Instead, if you live in West Virginia (WV), use a WV power of attorney form that is tailored to the situation. This allows you to get the job done without unnecessarily placing yourself or your assets at risk.

This blog focuses on specific power of attorney forms. It is the third in a series designed to help people think through issues that often arise when considering powers of attorney. The first provides an overview of WV power of attorney laws, and the second focuses on using online power of attorney forms.

Can I Use a Specific WV Power of Attorney Form?

Powers of attorney are versatile legal tools. The essence of a power of attorney is that you are giving authority to another person to handle something on your behalf. Broad powers of attorney give broad powers; these include are often called "general" powers of attorney and include durable powers of attorney.

But powers of attorney may also be drawn narrowly to achieve specific goals. They go by different names: specific power of attorney, special power of attorney, restricted power of attorney, and limited power of attorney, for example. And often, you can find a specific WV power of attorney form to meet your needs.

Will a Specific WV Power of Attorney Form Meet My Needs?

If you are looking for a limited power of attorney for a specific governmental purpose, first check the relevant state agency's website. Many government agencies in WV and other states provide specific power of attorney forms you can use to meet certain goals. When completed properly, the forms you locate online from these agencies will be accepted for their designated purpose.

For example, the WV Division of Motor Vehicles provides a specific power of attorney form that allows you to grant your agent the authority to perform titling transactions for your vehicle in the Mountain State. It cannot be used for any other transaction.

The West Virginia State Tax Department provides an online power of attorney form with the option to provide your agent "full authority" or to name restrictions when dealing with your taxes in WV. The form is very clear and easy to complete.

Does the Federal Government Provide Special or Limited Power of Attorney Forms?

The U.S. government also provides special power of attorney forms designed to meet specific purposes. For example, the Internal Revenue Service allows you to designate someone to represent you in federal tax matters using Form 2848, Power of Attorney and Declaration of Representative. And there is a specific power of attorney form you may use to allow someone to represent you in Medicare matters, as well.

If you need help sorting out issues relating to general powers of attorney or specific WV power of attorney forms, the attorneys at Jenkins Fenstermaker can help. We believe that our clients benefit from the personalized attention we provide. When you're considering a power of attorney in WV, general or specific, talk with us first. From simple to complex, we have the knowledge it takes to help you make solid decisions. Contact us today: (304) 523-2100 or toll-free at 866.617.4736. You may also contact our firm online to schedule a consultation.